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Month: June 2008

Event Review: Comsolid

This week I did another presentation outside my city. This time it was at Maracanau in the Comsolid, a open source and digital inclusion event.


My first presentation was about ZFS filesystem and how you can take benefits from it like pooling storage and self healing. I used as base for examples my last post on it, Trying to corrupt data in a ZFS mirror.



My next talk was about OpenSolaris. We had a lot of questions and interesting about this. We burned some cds with OpenSolaris 2008.5 and also distributed others versions of OpenSolaris like Solaris 10.


And my last presentation was a quick talk about high performance computing, a short version on that I already did before.

Was a interesting event mainly because the public was composed primarily by young students with few background on TI. It was a challenge to present some new concepts like pooling storage for those who aren’t familiar with filesystems management. I tried to keep my talk as simpler as I could and focus on daily problems and showing that you can avoid them with some open source technologies.

The full album is available at


Teddy e Silveira

Este é Teddy, meu cachorrinho. Ele é um poodle com menos de 2 meses. Parece uma ovelhinha e pula que nem um coelho, com as duas patas de trás. Ele adora brincar e correr atrás da gente quando estamos caminhando.

Ele só dorme do azulejo, deve ser porque é mais frio.

Event Review: JavaDay Juazeiro do Norte

Rafael Carneiro, Tarso Bersa, Rafael Ponte and me, after 8 hours of bus travel, arrived in Juazeiro do Norte to talk at the first JavaDay there.

Why Free Software?

JavaDay_Juazeiro_do_Norte_Silveira_Rafael Last touches

JavaDay Juazeiro do Norte Silveira Neto Coffee Break Gifts Silveira Rafael Ponte

  • Rafael Carneiro talked about Java Certification.
  • Tarso Bersa talked about Spring Framework for JEE applications.
  • I talked about NetBeans 6.
  • Rafael Ponte talked about JavaServer Faces.

We answered a lot of questions and gave lot of gifts. I also showed the Sun Academic Initiative, which they are already subscribed. We also showed several opportunities they can participate with CEJUG like free vouchers or a free travel for Belgium.

Some pictures we took. These ones during the bus travel. We saw a nice sunrise through beautiful landscapes.

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We playing guitar hero. 😀 The city have their own shopping with games, restaurant and cinema.

Guitar Hero Guitar Hero

The main atraction at Juazeiro is a statue of Padre (Priest) Cícero with 7 meters itself and more 8 meters of base. Pilgrimage to this statue takes place in his honour every November, attracting thousands of followers. The city’s economy is highly influenced by those travelers devotes.

Padim fitas

eu e o padim Padim

There’s a museum with several personal objects from Padre Cicero. People go there in order to thanks for miracles. If you got your a part of your body cured, of place there a wooden replica of that part of your body. If you got a car, you place a wooden car or a photo, and so on. There is thousands, maybe millions, of objects theres.

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You can see all photos at Carneiro’s album or in my album.