Problem: Match strings that contains a single quotation mark ('), but not multiple ones together.
This is a regex for a single quotation mark with a (?<!') in the left and a (?!’) in the right. The (?<!') is a ?< look behind if not ! a single quotation mark '. The (?!') is a look ahead ? if not ! a single quotation mark '.
Java code:
[java]import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class RegexProblem {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Pattern single_quote = Pattern.compile("(?<!’)'(?!’)");
String[] phrases = {
for(String phrase: phrases){
System.out.println(String.format("For %s is %s.", phrase,
The output is:
For is false. For ' is true. For a'a is true. For aaa is false. For aa'aa is true. For aa''aa is false. For aa'''aaa is false. For aaa''''aaa is false.
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