- Turn the Vypyr VIP 2 on.
- Set the inst/stomp knob to BYPASS.
- Set the amplifiers knob to Classic.
- Press the amplifiers knob to select the clean (green) mode of the classic amplifier.
- Press the inst/stomp knob. You are now in the edit mode and the edit mode led (red) is on.
- Turn the delay feedback knob to zero.
- Turn the delay level knob to zero.
- Turn the reverb level to zero.
- Press the inst/stomp knob again. You are now out of the edit mode and the edit mode led is off.
- Turn the pre-gain knob to the middle.
- Turn the low knob to the middle.
- Turn the mid knob to the middle.
- Turn the high knob to the middle.
- Turn the post-gain knob to the middle.
- To always have this patch when the amplifier starts, save it to the bank A preset 1 (red). On the instrument type column of buttons, press and hold the first button (A electric 1) until the red led blinks once and comes back on.
Adapted from Vypyr Tips/Tricks/FAQ at the Peavey forums.
With this patch you can use thes Vypyr VIP-2 as a regular amplifier with other gear inputting directly to it.
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