Here is an example using emojis instead of past/today:
mkdir ~/Desktop/screenshots
defaults write com.apple.screencapture location ~/Desktop/screenshots
killall SystemUIServer
.New screenshots (?+Shift+3, 4 or 5) are now stored in ~/Desktop/screenshots
Um berço fácil de montar e desmontar e leve o suficiente para transporte rápido. Preço na época: USD$ 74.99. Valeu a pena? Não.
.filter( input => { return input.type==="checkbox" } )
.map( checkbox => { checkbox.checked = true })
4K HD (3840×2160) noise generate in GIMP using CIE lch Noise with default parameters. Indexed to 256 colors.
4KHD_3840x2160_CIE_lch_Noise.png (6.8 MB)I’m learning to use Apple Motion and Final Cut Pro. This is a little animation I’ve done to learn more about how to make 2D animations and video post-production. It’s a lot of work but it is rewarding to see it working.
Surprisingly the stars in the sky was what took me the longest. I found a lot of ways to do complex animated starfields but not an easy way to make a static simple one.
Here is a copy of the video as an alternative to YouTube.
class A
def foo
[1, 2, 3]
class B < A
def foo
super.map{ |n| n * 2 }
puts A.new.foo.to_s
puts B.new.foo.to_s
[1, 2, 3]
[2, 4, 6]