Embroider your own image of Winter Pattern after Federico de Vinciolo, 1589. Very much like pixelart.
Original Blender file source: space_temple_lowpoly.blend
3840 × 2160 rendering: space_temple_lowpoly-3.png
Two basic articles on visual cryptography:
One interesting thing about this schema is that can be applied for stenography and can be simply implemented physically using only shadows.
See too: One Time Pad Using Gimp.
Some ASCII/ANSI/Shift_JIS/Unicode art of Jeep Wranglers. They are easy to modify and introduce your own customizations.
These I found on the web:
__________ | | |______(*)_| /\__----__/\ /_/()||||()\_\ |_\ o||||o /_| |----Jeep----| |_| |_| _.------------------. .'____________________| // _|||| | | | | | ______//_\__j_|||"--" "--" | | _ /-----+-|p ==,|||__________|_|-|W| _j,====. |b_____||| _____ | |W| |_) ,---.`.`------'|.',---.`.___|_|W| `/ .-. \\`======__// .-. \`-----'"" \ `-' / """"""" \ `-' / `---' `---' hjw ____ /_/CL\___ \_,.__,._) ---`'--`'--MK ____ |_| L\___ |_,.__,._) ---`'--`'--MK /l ,[____], l---L -O||||||O- ()_)-()_)-o-)_) ______ooooo /__|_|_,\____\,___ |_---|_|__|---O|||O _.(o)_)__(o)_)--o-)_)                ∩_∩         // ̄ヽ_( ・(ェ)・)  ____        | ̄ ̄|_ (⊃/ ̄ ̄ ̄(O|||||O)  .⌒ヽ ,;;; | / ̄ヽ ||___|// ̄ヽ ̄| |||||/ヽ  (";"':;.):;゙ |_| ◎ |___ | ◎ .| |=======    ⌒;:ヽ;; ヽ_//     ヽ_// ヽ_// ~~~~´゙`゙゙´´ ~~~~゙`゙´``´゙`゙゙´´ ~~゙゙´``´`´ ~~~ ,[____l, _-o||||o-_ ()_)¯¯ )_) O|||||||O •IIIIII•
This one I created:
â—„ ╽██████████████ â–“â–ˆ ██ █✌ຈل͜ຈ █▄▄▄▄▄ ▓█████████████⚪║║║║⚪█ â•â–ˆâ–“▓██████▓▓▀████ºº███▀ â–“â–“ â–“â–“ â–“â–“ â–“â–“
This one is a remix of one from hjw (Hayley Jane Wakenshaw) with an extra door, i.e. the Jeep Wrangler Unlimited.
_.---------------------. .'_______________________| // _||| || | | | | ______//_\__j_|||____|| "---" | | _ /-----+-|p ==,|||p ==,|_______|_|-|W| _j,====. |b_____|||b /_____ | |W| |_) ,---.`.`------'|----.',---.`.__|_|W| `/ .-. \\`======__====// .-. \`---'"" \ `-' / """"""" """" \ `-' / `---' `---'
A remix of this post from @TwitAA_bot:
__________ ⌒彡 | |冫ã€ï¼‰ |__________|` ï¼ /\__----__/\ / /_/()||||()\_\ |_\ o||||o /_| |------------| |_| |_|