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SCSNI Study Guide

This is a draft of study guide based on SCSNI (Sun Certified Specialist Netbeans IDE) exam objectives.

SCSNI Study Guide
Exam Objetive Resources
Section 1: IDE Configuration
1.1 Demonstrate the ability to configure the functionality available in the IDE, including using enabling and disabling functionality and using the Plugin Manager.
1.2 Explain the purpose of the user directory and the netbeans.conf file and how these can be used to configure the IDE.
1.3 Demonstrate the ability to work with servers in the IDE, such as registering new server instances and stopping and starting servers.
1.4 Describe how to integrate external libraries in the IDE and use them in coding and debugging your project.
1.5 Demonstrate knowledge of working with databases in the IDE, including registering new database connections and tables running SQL scripts.
1.6 Describe how to integrate and use different versions of the JDK in the IDE for coding, debugging, and viewing Javadoc documentation.
Section 2: Project Setup
2.1 Describe the characteristics and uses of a free-form project.
2.2 Demonstrate the ability to work with version control systems and the IDE. (Which VCS’s are available, which ones you need an external client for, how to pull sources out of a repository, view changes, and check them back in).
2.3 Describe the ways in which you can change the build process for a standard project, such as configuring project properties and modifying the project’s Ant build script.
2.4 Configure your project to compile against and run on a specific version of the JDK.
Section 3: Java SE Development
3.1 Demonstrate the ability to create NetBeans projects from the source code of an existing Java SE program.
3.2 Describe how to manage the classpath of a Java SE project, including maintaining a separate classpath for compiling and debugging.
3.3 Demonstrate the knowledge of the NetBeans GUI Builder and the ability to lay out and hook up basic forms using it.
3.4 Demonstrate the ability to package and distribute a built Java Desktop project for use by another user.
Section 4: Java EE Web Development
4.1 Describe how to create a NetBeans project from the source code of an existing Web application.
4.2 Distinguish between a visual web application and web application.
4.3 Demonstrate knowledge of which web frameworks are available in NetBeans IDE and how they are added to and used in a web application.
4.4 Describe how to monitor HTTP requests when running a web application.
4.5 Demonstrate a knowledge of basic tasks related to building and deploying web applications to a server, such as changing the target server and undeploying an application.
Section 5: Editing
5.1 Describe the purpose and uses of refactoring and demonstrate the ability to perform basic refactoring on Java source code.
5.2 Describe how to use the Options window to change the default appearance and behavior of the Source Editor.
5.3 Describe the ways that the IDE highlights errors in source code and the tools the IDE offers for correcting those errors.
5.4 Demonstrate the ability to use editor hints, such as implementing all the methods for an implemented interface
5.5 Demonstrate the ability to use live code templates such as automatic generation of constructors, try/catch loops, and getters and setters.
Section 6: Testing, Profiling, and Debugging
6.1 Demonstrate the ability to work with JUnit tests in the IDE, such as creating JUnit tests and interpreting JUnit test output.
6.2 Describe how to debug a local (desktop) application, including setting breakpoints and stepping through code.
6.3 Describe the difference between local and remote debugging and describe how to debug a remote (web) application.
6.4 Describe the purpose of profiling applications and how to profile a local desktop application in the IDE.

More useful resources:

Please, collaborate in the comments with others resource links (with section number). Let’s complete this guide.

Slides for Java Students Group

These are the slides for the presentation this Thursday at the first meeting of Java Students Group (JEG) at UFC. Is about Sun certifications in general and also a brief look over SCJA.

As usually, you can download the slides as ODT or PDF. 😉

See you there.

Updated: Thanks for your presence. Let’s try it again soon.

Público no encontro do JEG

You can find more photos here.

Tech Demo February

Today I did one more Tech Demo about Netbeans and also Sun Academmic Initiative and Community Innovation Awards Program.

Below are the slides (in Portuguese). They are an continuation from those from the last demo. You can also download them in ODP or PDF.

I have really little time to prepare this presentation (one day) but everything goes right. I prepared the slides during the night, took some food, soft drinks and gifts, called the students using our mail list. We had few people but was a good audience for the first weak of the university calendar.

Some guys at the beginning of the demo.

We talked two hours about stuff like:

  • Netbeans: Netbeans history, architecture and available modules. We did a demo showing some functionalities and I showed how use Issuezilla to report an bug.
  • Sun Academmic Initiative: how can we benefit from the program using Sun Learning Connection and 60% discount for Sun Certifications.
  • Community Innovation Awards Program: Sun Microsystems is giving one million dollars for innovations in Open and Free Software. I showed to the students details of the program and how to participate.

Hora do almoço
Lunch: Sfiha and soda.

Sorteio de Brindes
We used the JavaFX Wheel of Fortune for give prizes.

The next tech demo will be about one of those themes: JavaFX, Opensolaris or How to develop a module for Netbeans. I’m open for suggestions.

More photos at Flickr.