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Tag: mountains

JavaFX: Side-scrolling

An side-scrolling game attempt.

an plane

I used two images, this mountain background made with Gimp (xcf sources here) and that ship above made with Inkscape (svg sources here).


import javafx.ui.*;
import javafx.ui.canvas.*;

var scroll;
scroll = [1..800] dur 60000 linear continue if true;

var mountains = Clip{
    transform: bind translate(-scroll,0)
    shape: Rect {x:bind scroll, y:0, width:400, height:200}
    content: [ImageView {
            transform: translate(0,0)
            image: Image { url: ""}
        ImageView {
            transform: translate(800,0)
            image: Image { url: ""}

var h = 50;

var ship = ImageView {
    cursor: HAND
    transform: bind translate(0,h)
    image: Image { url: ""}
    onMouseDragged: operation(e) {
        h += e.localDragTranslation.y;

Canvas {
    content: [mountains, ship]