O retorno dessa apresentação foi muito boa e os alunos da FIC demonstraram um imenso interesse em conhecer e aprender mais sobre o NetBeans. Podem contar comigo e com o CEJUG.
Da esquerda para a direita, Yuri Steindorfer, Paulo Sobreira, Adriano Patrick, Rafael Carneiro, eu, Adriano Pereira e Tarso Bessa.
A minha primeira palestra foi sobre o NetBeans. Hora nós conversei um pouco sobre a história do projeto, a plataforma e as funcionalidades do NetBeans e o que está por vir na próxima versão. Aqui estão meus slides: netbeans_sobral.odp e netbeans_sobral.pdf. Aqui está a versão online em Flash:
O Rafael Caneiro apresentou a palestra “Apresentando o CEJUG e o poder do Java“, o Tarso Bessa “Simplificando o Desenvolvimento Web com Java Server Faces” (inclusive me fez ficar bastante motivado para aprender mais sobre JSF) e o Paulo Sobreira “Relatórios em Java com iReport“.
Nós no “Arco do Triunfo” (na verdade se chama Arco de Nossa Senhora de Fátima) que ilustrou o cartaz do evento.
As crianças de Sobral me ensinaram o grass-surf, uma nova modalidade esportida.
Nós de volta a Fortaleza ao lado do “Carneiromóvel”.
Eu adorei a viagem, faço uma avaliação muito positiva do evento e acredito que vamos colher ótimos frutos. Meu obrigado a todos que organizaram, participaram e patrocinaram o evento.
As I promised, those slides I used in my fsat presentation JavaFX Introduction at the 4th Ceará Games Developers meeting on CESOL. It’s not the final version of these slides but I’m releasing them because they already can be useful for someone.
We had our third JEG (Java Education Group?) meeting today about Java certifications. We changed our approach and now we are just solving certification questions in group. As we are without projector today we used just my laptop. Today our host was Joselito who solved some section 1 questions.
We are meeting every Thursday to talk about Java and certifications (and sometimes about local projects at an operational level). In this moment we are talking about the firsts sections of SCJA and solving mock exams in group.
Our approach is, each week a certification topic, each topic and different person talking. Meetings are free and anyone can join. I’m trying to keep those meeting linked with CEJUG and take we all to the monthly CEJUG meetings.
So next Thursday I’ll not talk. Those slides I used aren’t finished yet so I’ll not share them now, but as soon as possible I’ll do that. More photos here.
Uma apresentação bem rápida para a turma de Banco de Dados Não Convencionais sobre Microformatos, dentro do assunto que estamos discutindo agora, web semântica.
These are the slides for the presentation this Thursday at the first meeting of Java Students Group (JEG) at UFC. Is about Sun certifications in general and also a brief look over SCJA.
I have really little time to prepare this presentation (one day) but everything goes right. I prepared the slides during the night, took some food, soft drinks and gifts, called the students using our mail list. We had few people but was a good audience for the first weak of the university calendar.
Some guys at the beginning of the demo.
We talked two hours about stuff like:
Netbeans: Netbeans history, architecture and available modules. We did a demo showing some functionalities and I showed how use Issuezilla to report an bug.
Sun Academmic Initiative: how can we benefit from the program using Sun Learning Connection and 60% discount for Sun Certifications.
Community Innovation Awards Program: Sun Microsystems is giving one million dollars for innovations in Open and Free Software. I showed to the students details of the program and how to participate.