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Tag: Sun Microsystems

O que é o Open Source University Meetup?

O é um portal de comunidades universitárias voltadas para os projetos de Software Livre e Open Source da Sun. Cada universidade pode possuir uma comunidade no Osum. Aquelas universidade onde há um Embaixado de Campus já possuem uma comunidade no Osum. Osum é o acrônimo para Open Source University Meetup.

Lá você pode:

  • Criar uma comunidade para sua universidade (se você é da UFC, já existe uma comunidade).
  • Conhecer outros estudantes do mundo todo. A interface também está disponível em português mas você pode conversar com as outras pessoas em suas linguas nativas.
  • Entrar em contato com tecnologias de ponta como Java, OpenSolaris, NetBeans, Glassfish, Lustre, Virtual Box, MySQL e muitas outras.
  • Saber mais sobre o Sun Academic Initiative, como obter os beneficios, descontos e acessar o sistema.
  • Ficar a par dos próximos eventos de Software Livre que vão acontecer perto de você. Inclusive os Embaixadores vão usar o OSUM para registrar todas as suas atividades como palestras, install fests, reuniões, etc.
  • No OSUM também é uma grande rede social onde você pode criar seu próprio blog, álbum de fotos, participar de fóruns, enviar vídeos, criar seu perfil e interagir com outros perfis.
  • E finalmente, através do OSUM você pode saltar para em outras comunidades, jugs e participar de outros projetos fora do OSUM.

OSUM em três passos:

  1. Entre e se cadastre em
  2. Será lhe mostrado uma lista de países, escolha Brazil como país.
  3. Será lhe mostrado uma lista de universidades, não esqueça de escolher a sua. Se esta ainda não foi criada, você pode cria-la ou procurar por um embaixador para cria-la.

OSUMs do Ceará

Question about JavaFX SDK Preview?

This month, August 2008, from days 18 to 22 you have a opportunity to ask question about the JavaFX SDK Preview and get answers from experts on that topics. The Ask the Experts program requires no login, and allows you to submit questions at a time convenient to you.

These three experts Software Engineers from Sun Microsystems and related with JavaFX project will be answering questions about JavaFX:

It’s a good event to get answers for your JavaFX questions.

Promoção Tente Outra Vez

Para quem está procurando comprar certificação da Sun e estava esperando alguma promoção, aqui uma.

Os detalhes da promoção estão na image, clique para ampliar. Válida até o dia 21 de Maio de 2008.

OpenSolaris at InfoBrasil 2008

Me and people talking about OpenSolaris

InfoBrasil is a tradicional IT business event in my city. This year we got a space for Open Source and Free Software where I did a presentation about OpenSolaris. I posted our grid yesterday.

That was my first presentation about OpenSolaris so I focused to showing that OpenSolaris 2008.5 is a  GNU/OpenSolaris distribution but you can access features like ZFS, DTrace and Zones. I used those slides that Tirthankar Das, Solaris Cluster Engineering at Sun Microsystems, did for FISL 2008. Most of the audience was composed from students and they showed very impressed with ZFS. In my next OpenSolaris presentation I’ll try to focus more on ZFS demos. 😉 Someone in the audience did a random number generator code live. We used it to prize some OpenSolaris gifts like tshirts and sticks. 😀

OpenSolaris in action

I hope that for now on that we can use better this space and for establish a good dialog between communities, governments and enterprises.

All photos ares avaliable at my personal album for that event.

Crawford Beveridge in Brazil

This monday I and others ambassadors from all over Brazil went to São Paulo to have a quick meeting with Crawfor Beveridge, executive vice president and chairman, EMEA, APAC and the americas at Sun Microsystems.


As we cant see all ambassadors at FISL was a good oportunite to meet all brazilians ambassadors, olds and new ones. Lucas Torri bring to us some cool OpenSolaris shirts and gifts from JavaOne 2008 (where he was showing Project Marge).


Sun gadgets

I could also see some places in I don’t knew in the building, like the room for demostrating products. I saw very interesting backup devices from Storage Tek (now also part of Sun).

Maluf introduces us
Maluf introduces us to Crawford

Jomar Silva
Jomar Silva

Eduardo Lima
Eduardo Lima

We had an presentation with Jomar Silva, General Director of the Brazilian Chapter of the ODF Alliance, about ODF advances in Brazil. Eduardo Lima showed details of Sun Campus Ambassador Program in Brazil and also this cool videos about Open Source and OpenSolaris made by Vitório Sassi, Bruno Souza and Rafael Tinoco.

Crawford Beveridge

Crawford and me
Me and Crawford Beveridge.

NE pizza meeting
Almost all northeast ambassadors in a quick pizza dinner in the airport.

The complete album is available here.

NetBeans Day Fortaleza with Gregg Sporar

Gregg Sporar and CEJUG

Those days Gregg Sporar, NetBeans enthusiast working at Sun Microsystems was here in Brazil and went to our city Fortaleza to speak in our NetBeans Day Fortaleza. We had only a couple of days to prepare everything but is always good work under such pressure. 🙂

Me at the airport

Me and my friend (Cassiano Carvalho) could toke care of him. First we got Gregg at our international airport, Pinto Martins from a flight from Recife. After that we went to a typical food dinner at Coco Bambu where’s Gregg could taste our tapioca and figure why our local JUG (CEJUG) event is called Tapioca with Coffee.

Gregg tasting Tapioca

After that we went to the hotel but we did not have realized that that day was the birthday of our city Fortaleza and the birthday party was a public concert at beach of one of most famous artist in Brazil, Roberto Carlos.

Roberto Carlos in the early years
Roberto Carlos in the early years… 😛

For those who are not Brazilians, To have an idea what Roberto Carlos is, just imagine (in a smaller proportion of course) some kind of Brazilian Elvis Presley. When we quited the restaurant the show was just finished, we had a huge crowd walking back for everywhere, streets blocked, mess and traffic extremely slow. We spend about two hour on this. We decided to park the car, get Gregg’s luggage and go walking the hotel. Luckily the rain don’t caught us.

Rainy Day

In the morning was raining cats and dogs at Fortaleza, what is very uncommon.

Gregg cheking out

I picked Gregg at the hotel to the campus so we can meet the NPD (acronym in Portuguese for Data Processing Core) building, the Internet backbone of the entire state and where some projects are using NetBeans. Gregg also met our CS department, our labs and our cluster.

While that we prepared the auditorium and some last details, test microphones and projector.

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People started to get and we got their names and mails for event certifications. I opened the event talking about NetBeans, CEJUG projects and opportunities for the students.



People from TV Software Livre (Free Software Television) was there too to record and transmit the event.

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The first Gregg’s talk was about NetBeans and some new features from the last version of NetBeans and some new features for the version 6.1.


The second was about Memory Leaks in Java and a method for detecting those. Very interesting.

Gregg Sporar

NetBeans Day Fortaleza

NetBeans Day Fortaleza

NetBeans Day NetBeans Day Fortaleza

Gregg Sporar

After Gregg quited to fly to Brasilia I did a presentation on NetBeans 6 and 6.1 Beta news features. You can download Gregg’s slides here and here, my slides here.The recorded video is hosted at Google Video. You can see more photos in this album:

Gregg Sporar

Gregg, thank you very much and hope you liked your quick visit to Fortaleza. 😉 Thanks also CEJUG and all guys that made this event possible.

Pythons at Sun

Pythons at Sun

Good news. Two important Pythonistas, Ted Leung (Apache Foundation member) and Frank Wierzbicki (Jython lead) joined Sun Microsystems.

It’s one important step in the recognition of the Python language and certainly will bring benefits for the Python Community. Some things I’d like to see:

  • Python support on Netbeans. Bringing Python as a first class citizen on Netbeans, syntax highlight, code completion, debugging tools, unitary testing, Jython and a lot of more.
  • Django support on Netbeans. As we have Rails and Ruby support on Netbeans we can have also Django and Python support on Netbeans. Django is accessed with some command line tools, the work is just plug this on Netbeans, and its architecture makes this not hard. We could have a lot of wizards to creating new models and views. I’d love that.
  • More support of Python and dynamic languages at JVM. There’s already the Da Vince Machine Project on the OpenJDK Project. I hope one day we can see call the Java Virtual Machine as Universal Virtual Machine or Multi Language Virtual Machine.
  • More Python on OpenSolaris. Some projects at OpenSolaris are allready using Python, see Image Packaging System Project. Python is a really good language for common script tasks and I use it for that purpose very often. We could see a lot of wizards and configuration panels in Opensolaris using Python and PyGTK or PyQT.

It’s really a great moment for Sun and Open and Free Software. I’m happy with all that? You can bet on it. 😀

Sources: Tim Bray Blog and Cnet news.

Cara crachá


Meu crachá chegou, peguei com o Edu durante o Campus Party.

Cara Crachá, Sun Microsystems

Legal é que lá na sede da Sun em São Paulo esse cartão serve pra chamar o elevador e para se logar nas estações Sun Ray, o que é muito legal. Aqui em Fortaleza ele é só uma recordação na parede. 🙂

Sun SPOT Open Grant Program

Dado o sucesso e a procura, o projeto Sun SPOT reabriu as portas para submissões de propostas de trabalhos com o Sun Spot para professores, alunos e hobistas. Você submete uma proposta de trabalho livre usando o Sun Spot e o projeto entra lhe doando os kits de Sun SPOT necessários. A idéia é criar projetos livres que possam ser reutilizados em futuros projetos livres.

Sun Spot Kit por dentro

As vantagens:

  • Acesso a um equipamento de tecnologia de ponta equipado com vários sensores e comunicação por wifi.
  • Trabalhar com um ramo novo da cultura livre: o hardware livre e aberto.
  • Criar um projeto inovador e quem sabe até inédito.
  • Ter apoio da comunidade do Sun Spot através dos vários fóruns e listas.

Gif animado do Sun SPOT

Você pode obter mais informações sobre o Sun SPOT Open Grant Program aqui ou aqui.

Eu estou pensando em algo para submeter, e você?