In Inkscape if you have two filled circles. A big solid red one and a smaller, blurred and pinky one, like this:
You can use the mask to trap one inside another to create a light effect.
Metaphorically, I drew a mask using the mask effect:
You can download it here: mask_inkscape_by_silveiraneto.svg
As always, you can use or modify it under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license.
Acho que levei uma multa ontem. Eram duas da manhã, uma rua vazia. Vi um flash. Conferi hoje e vi aqui havia sim um radar lá.
Fiz esse desenho pra expressar minha frustração.
Código-fonte: cabeca_radar.svg
Some fellows asked for some Sun SPOT posters.
Here it is one that you can use to let people know about Project Sun SPOT.
Download the PNG with 200 dpi resolution or the SVG vetorial drawing. You can use a tool like Inkscape to open and edit the SVG file. You can change colors, images, texts and anything else.
If you need a poster to a presentation about Sun SPOT you can just print or edit this one:
Again, download a 200 pdi PNG file or the SVG vetorial drawing.
Good times with Sun SPOT. 😉
Download: duke_natal.svg
Sábado tem Café com Tapioca do CEJUG, especial de Natal, manhã e tarde de eventos. Pela manhã um mini-curso de JavaME e Android com o Vando Batista do C.E.S.A.R. Pela tarde duas palestras, sobre o JBoss e JBoss Seam com o João Paulo Viragine da Red Hat. Maiores informações e inscrições para o mini-curso, no site oficial do evento.
Até lá!
Two vector drawing I did to a friend. It’s anime-chiby style character, the first mixed with a cat and the second with a bunny. I did using Inkscape. As always, both under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license.
Download: black_cat.svg
Download: white_bunny.svg
Inkscape is a open source cross-platform vector graphics editor application that I use daily to create draws.
When Project Nile was launched, me and some others guys complained about lack of open source alternatives in the workflow of creation with JavaFX. So we developed a module inside Inkscape that converts your SVG drawings to JavaFX code.
I’ll show here step by step how would be a designer-developer workflow from designing graphical elements, such interfaces, to integrating it to a JavaFX Script code in NetBeans. In this example I’m using Inkscape 0.46-devel, build from the unstable sources and NetBeans 6.1 with the JavaFX module. See here how to build Inkscape from sources and here how to do some optimizations on the build.
Here’s a artwork (a modified version from another one I did in another post) made with Inkscape.
Doesn’t matter the complexity of the drawing it is made of discrete elements such circles, rectangles, paths and others. What the exporting module does is converting these SVG elements into JavaFX Scene Graph API elements.
To do that just click on File → Save As… or Shift+Ctrl+S.
Select JavaFx as the output format.
And chose a name. I’m saving the drawing as Girl.fx.
Now the drawing is a JavaFX class that extends from CustomNode. Once in your classpath (in this case the same directory of your main code) you can call it.
Another example, the famous SVG tiger.
Actually, you can get the elements of your drawing as attributes nodes of the main node. We use the name you gave to your object to name the attributes.
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
var girl = Girl{}
girl.rightiris.fill = Color.LIME;
girl.fringe.fill = Color.WHITE;
girl.backhair.fill = Color.DARKGRAY;
girl.hair.fill = Color.GRAY;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
var girl = Girl{}
girl.rightiris.fill = Color.GREEN;
girl.backhair.fill = Color.DARKRED;
girl.hair.fill = Color.RED;
You can also put event handling by code.
import javafx.input.MouseEvent;
var p = Player{}
p.x.onMouseClicked = function( e: MouseEvent ):Void {
As a ordinary JavaFX Node, you can do whatever you do with a Node, like using it inside a application or applying effects or transformations.
import javafx.application.Frame;
import javafx.application.Stage;
import javafx.scene.effect.SepiaTone;
var girl = Girl{
scaleX: 0.5
scaleY: 0.5
effect: SepiaTone{}
Frame {
visible: true
stage: Stage {
content: [girl]
Using this approach you can have the reference and total control under all those elements that compose your drawing. You can design complete interfaces and attach event handling by code.
The module is already on the main Inkscape dev tree and working properly. I guess it will be officially released to all users in the next Inkscape release.
Thanks for all guys that worked on this module and also on the projects Inkscape and JavaFX. Specially thanks for Bob Jamison, Jim Clarke, Joshua Marinacci and others. That’s my first contribution to a big free software, I’m very glad and I want to do much more. 😀
Two SVG fanart drawings of the very cute animation There She Is!! from South-Korean.
The first one is a sign that is shown from first to last episode, love between cats and bunnies is not allowed. 🙂
The second, from the pro-love campaign from the fourth episode.
Enjoy, share, print and modify. They are under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license. I also did a more complete post (in portuguese) in my another blog.
Próximo fim de semana, 11 de Outubro, é o 1º Café com Tapioca em Sobral. Se você é de lá, não perca. As inscrições vão acabar logo. Mais detalhes no site do evento.
O poster: