A simple Java class that calculates your Jedi name based on your first, last name, mother’s maiden name and the city you grew up.
Jedi first name: 1st 3 letters of last name + 1st 2 letters of first name
Jedi last name: 1st 2 letters of mother's maiden name + 1st 3 letters of city you were raised in
public class JediName {
private static String capitalize(String s){
return s.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1,s.length()).toLowerCase();
private static String sub(String s, int begin, int end){
return s.substring(begin, (s.length()>=end)?end:s.length());
public static String generate(String firstName, String lastName, String city, String mother ){
String jediFirstName = capitalize(sub(lastName, 0, 3) + sub(firstName, 0,2));
String jediLastName = capitalize(sub(mother,0,2)+ sub(city,0,3));
return jediFirstName + " " + jediLastName;
I used inline conditional expression ()?: to avoid raise a IndexOutOfBoundsException when the string is to small to cut the proper size we want.
And a example of how to use it:
public class JediNameTester {
public static void main(String args[]){
String myJediName = JediName.generate("Pedro", "Madeira", "Fortaleza", "Maria");
My jedi name is Siljo Iruba. 🙂
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